If you have trouble logging in to your DanceLogo account, don't worry! We are here to help you solve this issue.
The logging problem may occur because of one of the following problems:
If you get an error message like this, there's an issue with the email address or password you entered.
How to check if you used the correct email address:
If the password you used is incorrect, you can do the following:
If you have used your Google or Facebook login for your DanceLogo account, please use the same method to access your account. Another way is to use an email associated with your Facebook or Gmail account and reset the password.
If you're having trouble loading the DanceLogo website sometimes or at all, there might be a problem with your internet connection preventing you from logging in.
To check this, try loading a popular and stable page like Google.com. If it works and Google loads, then it's an excellent sign that your internet connection at least partially works.
If Google doesn't even load, you've probably got a bigger problem than not being able to log in to a website.
If you still have problems accessing your DanceLogo account or for any further information, you can contact us at any moment.